Fully Committed
by Becky Mode


This devastatingly funny play follows a day in the life of Sam Peliczowski, an out-of-work actor who mans the red-hot reservation line at Manhattan’s number-one restaurant. Coercion, threats, bribes, histrionics—a cast of desperate callers will stop at nothing in their zeal to land a prime reservation, or the right table. Amid the barrage, Sam’s got his own needs to contend with—his recently widowed dad wants him home for Christmas, and he’s up for a choice part at Lincoln Center. While juggling scheming socialites, name-dropping wannabes, fickle celebrities and egomaniacal bosses, can he manage to look out for himself?

Patrick Idleman as 40 characters

Robert Casillas - Director
Casey Keys -Stage Manager
George Doeltz- Producer




Triton Museum - Hall Pavilion
Warburton & Don, Santa Clara